25 May

Now that you've decided to create a survival home bunker all by your skills and efforts, now's the best time to consider a fact. The subterranean survival banker is a survivalist's dream. However, constructing such a bunker is a difficult task. It takes effort and time. Furthermore, it takes tremendous resources, but the payoff is enormous.

When finished, the bunker will be an excellent way of storing survival goods like medical kits, food, and more. So, deciding on the location before selecting the design is pretty much compulsory. Here's why it's imperative to select a location right before you decide on the bunker's design.

How important is it to choose a location?

Once you get the permits, it's the right time to choose the location. While the permits will help you ensure the right kind of design, a location will ensure durability. Consider designing the bunker only after selecting the spot. It goes without saying that some places will be secure, while others might not be safe. Given the importance of safety in designing a bunker, you cannot undermine its role in your life inside a bunker.

You must also avoid any place in proximity to large water bodies because they may likely to flood. And that's enough to anticipate damages in the bunker's structural integrity. You must also refrain yourself from choosing flammable places too. You can try digging in one place that is closely surrounded by vegetation and trees.

One quick note: Trenching near the trees only means that you are dealing with a complex web of roots that might be difficult to cut through. Besides, cutting through the roots might be detrimental to the geography of that location. In addition to this, you may also avoid digging into the utility lines.

After deciding on the location, it's time to develop the blueprint. Maximize the space by combining space, installing the wall-mounted furniture, and using vertical spaces smartly. With these things covered, you are one step forward to designing a bunker.

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